Omgsshhh im so overwhlemed😍🤗👣

Kymber • •<3•happily taken •mother to a little girl infinity.•pregnant with baby #2 <3 •family is all that matters.
I am so overwhelmed how amazing my 3d/4d pictures turned out, and how perfectly adorable my son is!! I can not stop looking at these pictures and this is not even half of them, the lady ended up going overboard so I got like 20 3d/4d pictures when I was only suppose to get 10. She said he was just so cute, she just had too!! Plus, i found out my son is measuring a couple days ahead my due date is January 14th but he's measuring at January 11th and his estimated weight is 5lbs and 6oz!! && he has a full head of hair as well! I just cant, these are my all time favorite pictures of him, i would post of all of them if I could, she even made sure my mom, my fiances mom got some and my daughter ended up getting one of her own of her little brother♡♡♡ today, my heart is so warm i feel like I'm melting inside, just his nose, his lips, his face, everything about him im so in love! I can not wait to meet my sweet baby boy!! 🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗