inflexible work placea

Over my maternity leave, I voiced my concern to my employer that it would be difficult to do the work hours with daycare and asked if I could take a shorter lunch break to make up for coming late or leaving early. They said no. So I've been killing myself hardly sleeping at night to make it out the door in time in morning to get there to work, but of course there is always something that happens in mornings (for instance this morning baby had thrown up on herself in crib overnight so dealing with that mess. Yesterday she threw up on me in the morning so I was soaked). Anyway, today at my review not only did I get "needs improvement" on certain areas (many of which my boss said couldn't be helped since I was out for three months during leave) I got the gentle reminder about being punctual. I know I should just try harder & do my best, but going to bed at 11 every night, waking up at 5:30, having only 20mins in morning with baby, rushing to work, pumping 4x a day, then battling traffic & rushing home to get baby, then spending sometimes only 2 hrs with baby at night (sometimes very fussy 2 hours) and getting everything out for next day....just physically, mentally drained & ready to throw in towel. I've worked extremely hard my entire life and usually exceeded expectations in all jobs I've held, but this is a new job I got while pregnant and still feel like no matter how hard I bust my ass I'm just failing in every aspect. And too tired to care anymore. Maybe it's time to call it quits & figure out something different? I read "Lean In" while pregnant & was determined to make everything work, but sorry Sheryl Sandberg, workplaces that aren't flexible to accommodate working moms makes it really difficult to stay in workplace. If you have advice on how to aleep and work a 9hr job with 45mins traffic each way & still see baby, let me know!