Bedtime troubles...

My daughter will be 4 months on December 15th. She has been a pleasant baby since she was born. Never really cried, always just kinda put herself to sleep at nap time and bedtime, very docile demeanor. Recently, id say within the past 2 weeks she's been fighting her sleep and screaming and crying at bedtime. When she's laid in her crib she acts like she's falling and looks scared. She wakes up and throws her arms out and grips the sheets. Last night she screamed and cried her eyes out for 3 hours. I had just fed her 8oz. After my MIL insisted that she's still hungry, I gave her another 4oz. She immediately resumed screaming and crying after she ate. The only thing that works is laying her on the bed/couch/cushioned chair and kind of bouncing it with my hands while making the "shush" noise over and over. This only works after she's already started screaming and crying. We started baby food and rice cereal today since my MIL refuses to believe that she's not just hungry, she claims the milk isn't doing  enough for her anymore. Tonight it was the same thing. Screamed and cried. We even kept her up and didn't let her get a nap in before eating so she would already be tired after she ate. I don't know what to do. Has anyone else had this issue? What worked for you? Should we be concerned?