A Doctor Rant (long)

I had a terrible experience with my ob office yesterday. I was crying and nearly yelling at the receptionist on the phone. This is the deal. I work on a second floor of a warehouse. My job can give me accommodations but not without my ob filling out the paperwork for restrictions. My appt in Nov I mentioned the stairs are causing me pain at work and by the end of my 10 hours it's uncomfortable to painful to walk. At the end of my 4 then hour days it's uncomfortable to sleep due to my back. I have a maternity belt I use everyday, it's starting to not make a difference. I am going to request accommodations and bring back the paperwork for you to fill out. He asked where it hurt I said the sacral illium joint area, the lower back in between the hip bones on your back side. He said it will get better when my uterus gets bigger.... I left the paperwork and have been on short term disability LOA while waiting to get the accommodation approval. Yesterday that team advised I can come back to work 8 hours a day with no other restrictions. I asked why not the stairs that was my sole issue. They said my doc didn't sign for it. I called my ob office and asked why the stairs hadn't been a restriction it was the main true reason for my discomfort at work when we talked. After checking with the nurse and my doc she told me he just won't sign off on it. And she would trans me to voice mail. Now I had called and left 2 voice mails about the paperwork the previous week bc work needed missing info to which I never had a call back. So I flat refused that to happen. When I asked for a reason and asked for an appt to talk to him about it she said I have my scheduled app on the 16th I can discuss it then and he just won't restrict the stairs. At this point I'm angry crying and raised my voice as to why an adult such as herself and the doctor cannot give me a why, I'd take a nonsense reason at this point just to know a why. She said I shouldn't be getting upset at her pregnancy can be uncomfortable.... I then strongly stated this is my 4th pregnancy, I started working for this company a year and a half ago 7 months pregnant no restrictions 10 hours 4 days a week and had worked until I was 37 weeks. I know pregnancy is uncomfortable I know what to expect to suck up but this pregnancy is different I'm 29 weeks with a small belly bump because he is hanging out in my hips and it is not the run of the mill I'm complaining I'm pregnant pain. I said I wouldn't be so upset if I had any reason why he felt I needed to walk up warehouse stairs 4x day four days in a row. I told my work accommodation team this and she was an older woman she said she had been pregnant 3x and found this foolish she would talk to senior ops. She did, she got them to allow me to use the elevator that can only be used for doctor appvd restrictions 8 hours a day and if I needed anything else my senior ops said to see them in their office they will work with me. I'm I wrong to be so flipping upset? I thank you for your time.