Are some things better left unsaid?

So my bf and I dated for 2 years and then we broke up. We were broken up for a year and now we're back together. I dated SEVERAL men while we weren't together. I guess you can say I went though a wild phase. He'll randomly ask me questions about what/who I did during our break up. Like who was it, did we have sex, how many times, did we use protection, etc. Honestly I feel like it's none of his damn business and I've expressed this to him. He thinks that we shouldn't have any secrets and that I should tell him EVERYTHING! I just feel like what's the point? What would he gain from knowing? I know it'll only make him upset and make him look at me differently. I attached our text about the issue. This is what he said, what do you guys think? Are somethings better left unsaid or should I be an open book? 

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