Anyone else get irritated by the brand new pregnant moms that act like they have every symptom??

I'm walking the classroom today and the other aide who sits the entire time blurts out "how do you even wear jeans? With baby expanding jeans are killing me. My hips hurt SO bad." And I stand there, 31 weeks pregnant, and look at her flat stomach sitting there and whisper "oh I didn't know you were pregnant too, congratulations. And mine are maternity." To which she loudly responds "oh I need to get some of those. Cause yeah I'm due July 28 and I'm going to be even more miserable this summer. Like I'm not already miserable enough!" 
Six weeks.
She is six freaking weeks talking about her hips while she sits😒😒😒
To top it off all the kids now want to ask me about pregnancy which can be an incredibly bad idea in a classroom of third graders.
I always want to be supportive but I seriously don't think I am ever going to complain around a pregnant woman again. Especially about my own pregnancy to a woman in her third trimester.
Sorry if it's rude and she seems sweet and I'm happy she is excited but boy would I take her "hip pain" over my entire body pain😂😂