How to get my baby to sleep without nursing to sleep

I am guilty of typically nursing my 14 week old to sleep because she usually just falls asleep while feeding. I know it's not the greatest since then it becomes habit and you are supposed to put babies down drowsy but do you mamas do that? Do you just pick a bed time and at that time put them in their in their bassinet/crib? I understand many give a bath or read first but those things don't make her sleepy per say.... Everything I think of (nursing, rocking,etc) involves me doing something to allow her to fall asleep. TIA! 
Edit: I went back to work (work at an animal hospital so at night I don't leave at a set exact time, depends on how late our appointments run) and nights I work I can be home anywhere from 1-3 hours past her bedtime. I come home to a crying, overtired girl and a stressed dad who can't get her to sleep and I feel bad. Looking for other options so she's not upset and exhausted and he's not feeling bad that he can't help her sleep. (Crying it out is not a method I'm interested in using)