bye bye night time boobie feed

Carms💜 • 31💜 11 years married💜Boy Mom💜8,7 & 1 year old💜
So I cut the middle of the night boobie feed and thank god my baby is sleeping better. Once that sleep regression hit at 4 months my amazing newborn stopped sleeping through the night. so it had gotten to the point where he was waking up every 2 hours simply for the boob (OMG it was awful) so unfortunately I had to cut those feeds out.. soooooo my question is... what time would be considered a middle of the night feed? 
So for example... my son fell asleep at 945 last night and woke up at 430. Would that still be considered a middle of the night feed? I mean that's a pretty long stretch of sleeping so I'm assuming it is Hungar that wakes him. So I'm def feeding him but trying to make sure that it's not habitual or working against me with the whole middle of the night feed... 
opinions mommas? Thanks