I don't know what to do anymore

I am so confused about my feelings. Me and my fiancé just had our first baby. He's a great father but I don't want anything to do with the baby... I feel horrible about it. I'm fine with other babies I see or ale care of but as soon as I come home to my daughter I just don't want to deal with her... she's a perfect baby never cries unless she needs something and I should be very blessed to have a daughter but I don't even want to be near her or by fiancé anymore. I feel like he always chooses her over me. I know it's selfish I just feel really depressed and I don't know what to do. He won't have sex with me anymore because I still haven't lost my pregnancy weight. I just don't know what to do anymore but cry honestly. Any advice? I know it's seems like I'm a bad mother but I've been keeping all of these feelings inside for a long time. And thinking about leaving and paying him child support instead. I didn't even feel that "special love" when I first held her. In fact I didn't even want to do anything with her or be near her. I'm just asking for advice please no rude comments