im pregnant, now losing family over it!?😔

so, posting anonymously bc my sister and one sis in law use this and for now i just need to vent!!!

I am 29, hubby is 34. Married for 14 years. we decided to start ttc our first baby. Got my IUD Removed in August during AF. Got period like normal in sept. but then come October I was late. I gave it a few days, and still no period. I didnt even think i was pregnant. no signs, nothing. I took 3 different tests, and all were positive!!!

long story short, we were ecstatic!!! we just started ttc, thought it would take months or longer, and well, no, it happened our first try.

and thats where we gained a family member, and lost one.

we told my parents asap! and they were over the moon, we all talked "baby" for hours! and went to dinner to celebrate.

Then, the next day, we went to his parents house. his parents, his one sister and two brothers were there. we shared our news , but we got a unexpected reaction. his mom smiled and said, thats great news! and hugged us happily. his brothers congratulated us, and they started asking how far we were, etc. and out of no where his 26 year old married sister stormed out of the house, screaming, "MUST BE NICE TO GET KNOCKED UP RIGHT AWAY AND WITHOUT EVEN TRYING!" then hauled ass outta there.

everyone was silent. Sitting quietly with confused looks. I was blown away. my husband was shocked.

for one- we were trying, we just didnt tell anyone that we were trying. esp since we just started. some ppl might, we didnt.

two, I cant help it took "one time." i don't control that.

but for three - my husband and I had Noooo idea that her and her husband were TTC. she has no kids yet, never has been pregnant, never talked kids, and just i mean we didn't know! I would of announced different if I had!!!

10 minutes after she left she called her mom / my MIL. crying. saying that it was rude of us to just surprise everyone like that, off guard. his mom was speechless. idk what all she said to her, as she took the call in the living room, out of ear shot. but I felt like i wanted to leave. The tension was thick. so, I told my husband that i was ready to go, and we left quietly.

an hr later his mom called and told us shes happy for us. but his sister doesnt want us to "speak baby" around her, and she doesnt want to see me once I "look pregnant" and she doesnt want to see the baby when its born. she said she just can't take it.

my hubby tried calling her but no answer. i thought wed give it a while. well, im 8-9 weeks now and she hasnt spoke to us at all, not even in person! his sister gets mad at their mom if she asks about the baby when shes around. its just adding a lot of stress to everything. His mom did tell us that she revealed that she was ttc for 6 cycles.

well, i didn't know!

this has seemed to trigger a horrible feeling on his side. I cant help but to feel bad for him, as my family is just as happy as we are.

he was so excited to tell his parents.

I just thought shed talk to us by now, but its been 2 months and shes still complaining to her mom about me being pregnant and that it "should be her" as shes been trying longer.

i get she feels hurt, its not like im trying to make her happy. i just feel like shes over reacting. i mean, cut your brother out of your life bc hes having a baby? idk. I cant believe it! I dont think i should apologize for getting pregnant. as that WAS the goal. and I cant help it happened so fast!!! thats beyond my control!!!!!!! just over it! Aaaaargggh!!!!!!