Cloth diapers

Has anyone used cloth diapers and can give me some advice? I like the idea of saving money and don't mind doing extra laundry. I have tried looking up info online but there is so much I don't know where to start. Something about liners, different types of diapers and on and on. 
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Posted at
Go to and they also have a few different Facebook groups! But they have a lot of helpful information! 


Hannah • Aug 17, 2015
What she said!


Posted at
We use Charlie Banana one size all in ones and they are awesome!  When I first started cloth diapering I used flat cloth diapers and covers since their little bums are so small and after a couple of months switched to the all in ones. They are so easy to use and it only add about 2 extra loads of laundry a week. The best things about them are that you never have to run to the store last minute to get diapers and they are a lot healthier. There is a book called changing diapers that is around $5 that explains each type of diaper and helps you decide what is best for your family. I would start there. 


Jess • Jan 14, 2015
Target carries Charlie Bananas :)


Megan • Jan 14, 2015
I haven't heard of Charlie Bannanas, I look into those and those and the book. Thanks for the tip!


Posted at
Go to They also have an fb page that's helpful.


Posted at
I loved my cloth diapers! I used all in ones, different brands. each baby fits in certain brands differently. My faves for my daughter were rumparooz and tiny tushes


ashley • Aug 15, 2015
Liners aren't necessary with all in ones, although some moms prefer it (makes clean up slightly easier). AIO don't need to have covers. They're one size as well so you buy once and that's it. The inserts come with diapers.


Posted at
We like fitteds! We have used almost every brand, and bumgenius was our least favorite. The Elastics wear much faster in them. Charlie banana were just as good but last longer!(: These are ours!! Fitteds are easy peasy and gorgeous!


Ashley • Jan 15, 2015
It's a type though!(:


Ashley • Jan 15, 2015
You definitely don't. I never use one. :)


Ke • Jan 14, 2015
When using fitteds you also have to get waterproof covers


Posted at
I like the bum genius all in one diapers. They are easy to maintain and wash. It's a diaper with inserts that come out. They're quick and easy to assemble once cleaned and are simple to put on. Hope this helps. 


Jess • Jan 14, 2015
Nope, with all in ones you don't need covers. From what i've read, it makes drying time a little longer. But, it seems so much more convenient to me! My little one is due in 5 weeks and I plan to cloth diaper with her so I can't say from experience just yet. Good luck!


Megan • Jan 14, 2015
I keep reading about covers too, are those needed with the all in ones?


Posted at
There are so many diaper styles that work with different life styles, I decided to switch to cloth when my son was 18 months and got so over welmed. If you haven't checked Pinterest all ready there are quite a few helpful blogs and tips that surely helped me . 


Megan • Jan 14, 2015
Thank you! I will check it out!


la • Jan 14, 2015
This is one telling the difference of the styles, however there is a flip style that isn't mentioned in the blog


la • Jan 14, 2015