our [early] Star Wars pregnancy announcement

We decided to announce yesterday, a bit ahead of schedule. We really bonded over Star Wars while we were dating, and throughout our marriage, so we knew we had to make it a part of our announcement. I'm only six weeks, and I know a lot of people condemn you for announcing so early, but I have a few reasons for it:
•I am a funeral director. I see miscarriages/stillbirths/etc. every day. As well as young deaths, old deaths, and deaths in between. I recognize that death can happen at any time, and I refuse to hold back from celebrating life because of that.
•if I do miscarry, I'm going to need all of the help I can get to get through it, and would want to act as a vessel for others who have been through it. 
• I'm not going to hold by MY excitement because the threat of miscarriage makes other people uncomfortable. 
• This is our first and we want to celebrate every single moment loudly, and with the support of those we love. 
So that's how we feel, so we announced yesterday. The love has been overwhelming!