Braxton Hicks or PTL?

So ever since last night after I had sex with my husband I've been having really frequent Braxton Hicks. I didn't sleep well at all thanks to them getting increasingly uncomfortable. This morning I was too busy being a mom to two older kids to pay attention to how often they were coming, but when we settled down a bit by 11 they were 5-7 mins apart. I've been drinking water and resting, and just woke up from a cat nap and they're now consistently 5 mins apart (it's about 4). They're still not painful, just uncomfortable, but I'm not sure if I should be concerned at all by how regular they are? I'm about 31 weeks, and during my last pregnancy i went into PTL at 29 weeks and didn't know until my mom made me go to the hospital. She moved pretty far away since then, so now I'm clueless i guess. There's also a big snowstorm coming this weekend, so I'm trying to not go out as everyone is panicking and driving like crazy people already. My luck I guess :) anyone have any thoughts on my situation?