Anyone NOT want family at the hospital when you deliver?

Olivia • Mommy to Isabella❤️👑
This is gonna be a long one, so I'm 17 & 31 weeks pregnant, my family all lost touch with me after I became pregnant, in May is when I got pregnant and I was already living with my boyfriend since January 2015 because I moved out of my parents because family problems and drama and I couldn't take it anymore, we still talked but barely, but in June when I announced to my family I'm pregnant (it wasn't planned) they were all happy, excited, rubbing my belly and telling me they would be there for me and help me out if I needed it, give me hand me downs, but then after that not one of them ever call or message me, they have me on FB but litteraly don't say a word to me or ask about the baby, don't ask me to go visit them or to come visit me (they know where I live too) about 3 weeks ago is when I had my baby shower, I threw myself one because no one offered to throw me one and I didn't  want to miss out because this is my first child and I wanted to celebrate, well I spent over 300$ on food and decorations and I only had 2 people out of my whole family show up... And 2 of my close friends... That's it. I invited my family like a month in advance and they all told me they can come but didn't even show up (I have a pretty big family too) . I was really hurt, anyways my family thinks they're all going to be around once the baby comes, and thinks there going to be there when I deliver and I don't want that... They haven't been here at all during my pregnancy and treated me as if I don't exist, I'm independent, I go to school (a school for teen mothers) and recieve government funding each month  (I'm only 17 working towards my diploma, & I'm almost there) an my boyfriend works, he's 20. We have our own home, have our own vehicle, my unborn daughter has her own bedroom right next door to us and we're already prepared, and have everything she needs already, we've honestly worked so hard to get where we are now and we did it on OUR own, my dad recently posted a status the other day saying he "can't wait to meet his grand daughter soon"Um he has litteraly ignored my fb messages and doesn't keep in touch with me? WHY do people think that they can just pop right up after the baby is born? When none of them wanted anything to do with me these past 8 months! UGH IT HURTS AND REALLY PISSES ME OFF! This goes for my whole family too, and my boyfriends family cause there basically doing the same thing as mine, now that I'm getting closer to delivery there trying to all be excited and come back in my life just because I'm getting close to birth, I don't know who I want at the hospital and I don't think I want any family there. If they want to see the baby so bad they can ask me and come visit at my home when I'm discharged. Am I wrong for doing this? Anyone else go through this? I think I only want my boyfriend there when I deliver. And if my family wants to throw a big fit about it then IDGAF, I'm making the rules!