
I'm taking a hpt tomorrow morning. I'm nervous but also excited.

My husband and I haven't been actively trying to get pregnant, but we haven't really been preventing either. I went off the pill a couple months ago, and we haven't been using condoms. If I'm in my fertile window, he pulls out. I've been ready to have a baby, but he hasn't. He knows I'm off the pill and I've been tracking and charting if for no other reason than to be more prepared for when we do get ready to actually conceive.

I say that all to say this: we will both be okay with starting our family, but that doesn't make me less nervous about taking the test tomorrow. Technically I could test today as I'm supposed to start within the next couple of days and I have early detection tests, but... I feel like it's better to wait?

I've been emotional - like, cried because I felt bad for sleeping in the middle of the bed last night, leaving my husband hardly any room -emotional. I had some spotting (very light, almost didn't notice light -only on the tissue) and cramping about a week and a half ago. No other symptoms really, though. I mean, I was nauseated last night, but I also have a lot of sinus drainage from a cold right now.

I don't know. I just felt like writing out my thoughts and seeing what others thought. My cycle wasn't always regular before the pill, but if I keep going like I have been the past couple cycles, I should start within the next couple of days.