Has anyone used a SNS?

Elizabeth • Hi everyone. I'm pregnant with my first - due November 25th. My husband and I weren't ttc, but we're getting very excited at entering this next stage.

Has anyone tried or has success with a supplementary nursing system? We've had one breastfeeding issue after another and I feel like this is my last chance. On the verge of giving up and going full formula. My son was supplemented from 12 hours old for medical reasons. He's been 75% supplemented since and I have almost no supply even when pumping every 2-3 hours (about 1 Oz total every time). I've been taking fenugreek and drinking mothers milk tea for over a week with no success. I've seen 3 different LC and while they've all had suggestions, most seem to include processes that have limited success and take months in the meantime. Many are also difficult if not impossible to employ while I'm home with the babe by myself.

This has all been heartbreaking and I have shed many tears over it, but I don't want to ruin these early days with my LO! It is a horrible cycle of guilt and doubt. Any help or suggestions are welcome.