nipple confusion

My son is 5 days old and he was latching on and feeding really well until I gave him my Breast milk out of a bottle two days ago 😣 now he WONT take my breast he only eats if I pump and put it in a bottle for him. I still have been trying to Breast feed him but  he won't latch it doesn't matter how hungry he is he is he screams and turns all red in the face until I give him a bottle  😭 please help me I want to Breast feed because my boobs are getting HUGE and they hurt so bad it would be a lot easier if I could just Breast feed instead of having to deal with bottles right now . Eventually I would like for him to take both from the bottle and my Brest because I'm in college and I also work so when I drop him off to people he needs to be able to eat from a bootle but as of right now I need help getting him to breast feed again . Can someone please tell me what I can doÂ