What would you do? -Kinda long

So I'm 33 weeks pregnant and going through a tough time in my relationship right now. Not sure if it's hormones or if it's really an issue. My boyfriend and me have been dating for 8months. We moved very quickly. Hung out for 3 weeks, started dating, he moved in, I got pregnant, now here we are. For the most part we do very good and he's an absolute sweetheart and very loving....now here's what throws me off: he seems like he's kind of controlling. He gets mad at me if I even glance or talk to a guy. He gets upset with me if I post a photo of me or a status on Facebook. (says I do it all for guys attention), he checks my Facebook profile religiously (I know this because I see him do it all the time), he constantly asks me if I'm sleeping with someone else, says I'm having sex with other men because I haven't wanted to have sex with him (being almost 34 weeks pregnant- sex is the last thing on your damn mind- very uncomfortable), he's always asking me who I'm talking to, always questions me if I get home late or just accuses me of lying whenever I leave the house, and last but not least he makes me feel bad when I don't want to have sex with him. 
I really don't know what to do or how to go about this because any time I try and talk to him, he always thinks I'm the wrong one and he does nothing wrong and he's right. He's very hard to talk calmly with. He acts like I'm joking or something. All I know is if this shit keeps up I can't do it. But then again, I'm pregnant, we're having a baby and I want this to work, I really do... but his ways have been pushing me away and making me feel so miserable. 
But what would you do? 
What do you suggest I do? 
So lost 😢 (Sorry for the long post)