I have egg whites CM that oPK's are negative super early to be ovulating !!!!

I'm only like 12 days into my cycle and I'm already having signs of Ew CM but I didn't ovulation check did clear blue easy Digital and a OPK I got off Amazon both were negative but I'm still having egg white CM anybody else I shouldn't even start being fertile for like three or four days I don't ovulate until cD18 to 20.  Can glow basically asked me if I was mistaken and then tell me the difference between egg whites CM water CM and whatever else. I know what it look like to me. But like my cervix is like Med med closed is this normal????? Has anyone ever had this happen and why if you just curious I'm just trying to figure out if it's normal, or if it's a sign of something else Idk. Thanks for your time!!!! baby dust to all!!!!