breastfeeding advice! bring it on!

So this is my second baby and he is just over a month old. I was never able to breastfeed my oldest and had to exclusively pump for him. For awhile I thought I would have to do the same again. But after multiple lactation consultant visits, cracked and bleeding nipples, occupational therapy for his misalignment, discovering he couldn't transfer milk from the breast, getting both tongue and lip tie corrected, dealing with a possible cow's milk protein intolerance, and now reflux, I can say finally he breastfed! It was only 10 minutes on one breast, but he transferred almost 1.5 oz! I could cry (ok I am) just thinking about it I am so happy. We still have "work" to do, as he didn't want the left breast at all. I noticed my supply is dropping on that breast and the let down is slower. I used to get a few good sprays when pumping from that nipple, but now during a let down there is only one. So he was too impatient for lefty. 
Now I need advice! What to do about my left breast and anything and everything about bfing! I have latch down now, but could use good ideas for holds and whatever other info you found useful, as I am pretty much a newbie.
I was holding off on buying nursing tops and covers, not knowing if I would ever need them. Hopefully our progress continues and I will be buying some soon!