HELP!!baby wakes 30 mins after going to bed

I am in need help!! My baby goes to sleep so easily at bedtime (usually around 7-8 pm). The problem is, every single night, he wakes up about 30 minutes after he has already gone to sleep screaming crying!!!! It sometimes can take up to 3 hours to get him to go back to sleep. He will spit his paci out,.... drift back to sleep and then wake back up. It's like a 3 hour ordeal and then he eventually sleeps through the night. We have tried everything... putting him to bed drowsy, wide awake, asleep... we have changed up his bedtime ... feeding him before bathtime... feeding him after bathtime...but nothing seems
To change him waking up 30 mins after he goes to sleep. We do the same routine at night. I need help!