just done with his drinking bullshit!!

My husband and I have been together 13.5 yrs we have 2 kids together, well I've been sitting here at home waiting for him to get home from work he's been off since 7pm and so at 7:45 I text him where we was cuz he's home by 7:25-7:30 and here he just went to the bar with his friends and didn't let me know and I told him I would have like to know instead of sitting here worrying where he is with how the roads are but the one thing that pisses me off is that he went to the bars Friday and Sunday after work too and spent almost $200 on just drinks then called me to come get him at 11:30 with our kids who our oldest had school the next morning so I told him no and I told him to call his sister who was only 2 blocks away and here to find out they all thought I'm just being a big bitch cuz I didn't want to drag my kids out in -20 degree temp.