baby girl is finally here!

Kristin • Winter baby is coming!!! Due this December 😍
Rosemary finally made it! 6lbs 13 oz and 19 inches long. 
Here is our birth story!
The doctor originally estimated our due date between 12/11 and 12/13. Everyone was thinking she would be a late arrival. We went into the hospital for a non stress test on 12/12 and got admitted due to low amniotic fluid. The doctor who was on staff did not like the shape of my pelvis and tried to push a c section. I decided on doing a vaginal birth and was willing to do a c section if it came down to it. He was quite reluctant. Ultimately I got put on pitocin and was able to get my girl out ober 17 hours with no epidural and one stitch! So happy to welcome her into our world.