Hcg level fast rising...From 3 to 442..??

Dakota 🎀

Hey! 😊😊

So I hope this isn't a stupid question! but I had a blood test on a Tuesday and my hcg levels were only at a 3.. I would of been 9DPO at the time of the test and my doctor told me I was NOT pregnant, which was disappointing as we had been trying. I still had a feeling I was pregnant, so I took a pregnancy test the following Saturday on the day of my missed period, bam! Big fat positive! Yay! Anyways I had another blood test done exactly 1 week after the first test and my levels had shot up to 442, so they went from 3 to 442 in 7 days, I would of been 16DPO. My doctor couldn't explain why they would of risen so much and said it wasn't exactly a 'normal' jump, she mentioned the possibility of multiple babies however I know hcg numbers are not an indicator of that so haven't thought much of it and just wanted to know for piece of mind that the big jump in numbers is all normal :)

Im just curious if this has happened to anyone else?

I have had another blood test 2 days after the previous one and am just waiting on the results, I dont have an ultrasound until the end of this month and I'm impatient haha 😄

Please be kind, I'm new here 😊