HELP me please

Natalie • Wife | Teacher | Mama | Small Business Owner | Coach
SO. Last month I started my period a week early. So around the 8th last month. But for about three or more months before that I started on the 14th or 15th of each month. I recently had a sinus/ear infection so I've been taking the antibiotic amoxicillin with tylenol for a week, and now just the antibiotic. But I have also had unprotected sex.. but he always pulls out then jacks off before he cums. Anyone had late periods bc of medicine? How long should I wait before taking a pregnancy test? Please help! I love babies, but definitely can't handle one right at this moment! 
UPDATE: if you consider my period starting early again like last month I'm 8 days late. If you consider me starting around what I've typically been starting at I'm one or two days late. No symptoms of pregnancy. I took one pregnancy test yesterday. And one this morning. Both negative. SOMEONE TELL ME WHATS GOING ON