Anyone else overwhelmed?


So I'm a little over 5 weeks and started freaking out today..

I'm FTM, entirely overwhelmed. Unplanned for sure. I started thinking about if I can handle this....pregnancy and baby.

To give some background, I'm 30, in a stable committed relationship with the father, I work full time, am stable otherwise (seems like I should be able to handle this right?).

This year I underwent a major transformation. I've lost almost 90 pounds and had a tummy tuck in September.

That's part of my freaking out. It's only been 3 months and total healing time is 6 months. How is my body going to handle pregnancy? Everything is ridiculously tight. (And before it's said I know we should have been more careful).

The other parts are, what if something goes wrong? What if the baby is unhealthy? Needs more than I can provide?

Is anyone else freaking out? It's hard to be in such a blissful place like this freaking out. Also the hormones are real, I cried this morning over coffee.