I don't love breastfeeding.

I don't even particularly like it either. I'm trying to understand this whole "special intimate bond" that everyone talks about but I don't. 
I ebf and I so it because it is undoubtably the best for baby. But I fucking hate it. I will never be one of those mothers who is still breastfeeding their 4 year old. Fuck no! Im envious, envious of those mothers who enjoy it. Who think of it as the most magical thing in the world. I wish I could be there with you. But for me this is a completely science based choice. A convenience for a frequent traveler, whip the boob out and not have to worry about sterilizing bottles, heating them up, mixing them etc.  A race to my sons first birthday and then we're done. 
We have had weight gain issues, lip tie, tongue tie, thrush, more weight issues, reflux, and now thrush again. 6 weeks of bi-weekly lactation appointments. Fuck this enjoyable shit. Nothing enjoyable about it.