boyfriend dropped baby

So my boyfriend sometimes has seizures. He hasn't had one in over a year but when he doesn't get enough sleep he will twitch. He kind of zones out for a couple seconds when it happens and drops whatever he has in his hand. Well this time he happened to be holding our 8 week baby. Thank God he was holding him over the crib and it was only a few inches. My baby started screaming and I started screaming. He doesn't seem to see a problem with it and said "people drop babies all the time". He is 6'5" - what if he would have dropped him on the hardwood or tile floor? It could have seriously injured him. He's in denial about the seizures and the twitching and will not go see a doctor. I don't know what else to do. I'm to the point where I want to say go get help or we are leaving. 😭😭