advise needed! drunk boyfriend..

I need some advice desperately.
I'm at my wits end now. I'm currently 37+6 weeks pregnant. Me and my boyfriend have been arguing quite a lot lately. He told me to pack my things and get out of the house (even though both of our names are on the contract). He planned to go out with his work lot to pubs etc and told me he wouldn't get pissed. I don't have a problem with him going out etc but all I asked was for him not to get pissed as I could have baby any day now and he wouldn't be able to support me when I need him the most. I explained all of this to him. He got up about 7 this morning and got ready and went out. I rang him and he said that he's getting "absouletly pissed up tonight". So I said you could potentially miss the birth of your daughter and that doesn't bother him at all. So I'm sat at home, all on my own whilst hes been out all day and will probably be out all night too. 
Also the other day his phone rang so he answered it and I could hear another girl on the end of the line and asked him "what you doing tonight" he then lied to me when I asked who it was on the phone, he said it was his supervisor. He then went out for a couple of hours, came back and then said "it was my supervisors wife asking me to go pub with them"... why not just tell me that at the beginning instead of lying?
He's seriously draining me so much and I literally don't know what to do anymore. I could go on and on but I'd be here all night.
Should I stay or walk? 😔😔😔