MIL: Here we go again πŸ˜‘πŸ™„

Back story: Husband and I have been married for 1.5 years. The whole year of our engagement leading up to our wedding his mother bugged and belittled us on our wedding plans and I shit you not, we changed EVERYTHING to her ways EXCEPT having the rehearsal dinner at a f'ing bowling alley and ordering pizza. <--- no, seriously. I believe that her statement alone about the rehearsal dinner showed exactly what she thought of me and our wedding. Oh ya, I'll add that my wedding was fucking horrible. I regret it 100% not doing it the way I had envisioned.Β 
Today: I am 10 weeks pregnant. Last week we were at her house and my husband showed his dad a picture of a crib that he wants to build for the baby. I love the idea & his dad was all about it too. So about 20 minutes ago, my husbands mom sent my husband a picture of someone getting rid of a toddler bed for free and wanted us to use that for the crib if it converted to one.Β 
What in the actual fuck. I don't understand why this woman keeps trying to change plans that my husband and I make together. This baby was PLANNED and prayed for. We have the means to give this baby everything it'll need, and she still decides to stick her nose in.Β 
God I'm irritated. 😑😑😑😑