I'm Afraid to Fail Another Test!

This morning, I literally just laid down and sobbed for a good hour after I went to the bathroom because my period was due today and nothing - meaning I get to test tomorrow. Only this is my eighth month of trying and I am beyond terrified of failing another one. I had a miscarriage in late April and that destroyed my optimism (I never thought getting pregnant would be a problem for me) and every month since has been horrible. 
My husband just doesn't get it. He'll tell me it's not that big a deal, there's nothing we can do to change it, that I just need to focus on other things - BUT
This past week I've been wiping and there's brown cm - never red or even pink, just brown. I hear that's a good sign? But I'm so scared to take another test and have it be wasted again. 
This last week I've been weepy and brown cm and little pinches occasionally and I've been exhausted (my husband gets irritated because he says all I ever do is sleep) and I really try hard not to symptom spot but GOSH I just can't help but hope...
I know all the ladies on here get it when I say I want this baby so so so so badly, I have always wanted to be a mom. I need some confidence boosts to help me hope for a Christmas miracle and test in the morning!!!