Can anyone relate?

Whenever I visit my auntie, she is always bummed out or hopeless because of the way her 3 grown daughters treat her. Whenever they can they tend to drop off kids over to babysit at her house (without paying her) or ask her to take them for the weekend. Her grandkids are ages 8, 6 and 5. Plus she is still raising her youngest who is 9 years old. My aunties kids will scream and yell at her if she asks them to bring snacks for the grandkids so they wont get hungry. They eat up all of her food to where her fridge is looking almost empty, once that happens her grown children get upset because there's never food for the little ones. Whenever my auntie tries to put her foot down or says something to them they don't like, they cut off time with the grandkids and will let her see them whenever they like. I just feel so bad for her being USED for money, babysitting or to feed her grandkids all her food when she still has her youngest child to feed and raise.