

About me....I am a planner... I am a control freak.... I am a 27 year old wife of almost 5 years come july 21st.... I want 2017 to be better an 2016...

I want to loose 20 pounds due to my BMI calculations before becoming pregnant...** the couch picture makes me look fat** Says im overweight. i want to eat better, exercise, live better within our means pay with cash and pay off debt Before we have a family. Become carefree and not worry so much about the future. Have a better clean house that when i walk into a room it makes me happy because everything is put in its place. Everyone says we will be great parents some day... When we got married the pastor even said it in the ceremony... I want to feel excited and no scared like i have been about a little bundle of joy... maybe 2017 will be the year.... How can i become a better person in 2017... Words of advice are welcome....