I started having regular contractions around 7pm on the 15th


I started having regular contractions around 7pm on the 15th. Around 1130pm, with contractions every 5-6 min, we decided to call the midwife. She sent us to the hospital. We reached the hospital around 12am. At 5cm and 75% effaced, they decided to admit me. I jumped in their jacuzzi for about 2 hrs. It helped me with the pain of the contractions a lot (I opted for an all natural birth). I started feeling pressure in my bottom with each contraction and requested to get out of the jacuzzi. I headed to my room with my mother and hubby by my side. I labored for another 2 hrs in my room. I tried standing and swaying, then I used a labor ball, then decided laying on my side was most comfortable for my to labor in. I was checked and told I was 7 cm along. About 15 min later, my body was pushing my son out into the birth canal. I told the nurses he's coming and that I could feel him. He was about to crown. Take note of the fact that my water has yet to rupture at this point. My contractions were so strong, my body was curling around my belly. I felt my son crowning. I was instructed not to push. I focused really hard on keeping him from flying out of me until the doctor on duty (Midwife was off for the night) was able to assist me. The nurse was also afraid I would tear because my son was coming out so fast (I have a history of going from 6-7cm to crowning in like 10-15 min). The doctor gave me the go ahead to let my body work. I was really feeling the ring of fire and was reacting as one would expect. As my son's head came out, my water exploded onto the bed and floor. The doctor noticed I was tearing and pulled my son out after his head was out. Elijah was born at 5:08am.

I ended up needing stitches because I tore semi badly. I was also very tired and delirious. I'm blessed that my hubby and mother were there to make sure Eli and I were okay. I had a very difficult time coping with the pain after delivery. Even delivering the placenta was painful. I was able to eat and relax after about an hour of trying and succeeding breastfeeding. I felt much better after my 2 hrs rest. Peeing burned, and the stitches weren't fun. But other than that, I'm happy to have my healthy baby boy and am glad that I'm okay enough to take care of him.