Crying after Orgasm 😣

So I did some research online but there wasn't a lot of information. I've been sexually active a little over 6 years and in the past 3/4 I've randomly experienced this. It's only been with this partner (who I have happily been with for 5 years). Immediately following my orgasm I will burst into disgusting and uncontrollable crying. And it's not that the sex would be emotionally intense or draining or anything. And when I say uncontrollable, I mean I literally cannot make myself stop crying. 😤  Its really embarrassing even though my partner understands that it happens every once in a while. I think it still makes him feel like he's doing something wrong or that he's causing it in some way. When I did research I read that it happens in less than 7% of people and 40% of those people were sexually abused or have some type of  PTSD. So I want to clarify that this is not the case for me. The only thing I've noticed as far as a pattern is that it happens more often if he alone causes the orgasm, I don't know if this is related? What the heck is wrong with me?! HELP!