You have to read this if you're a Samsung user

☆¤Mama Gemini¤☆ • Happily taken mommy to 2 beautiful (1 autistic) boys Nicholas (7) Matthew (3) and our beautiful and only princess Journee (8 months) and we are expecting our last baby also a boy due May 8th 2017
So I have the Samsung Galaxy S7 got it back in April when it first came out. They say this phone is water proof. Though I never wanted to actually test that theory lol so yesterday I couldn't find my phone for like an hour and a half. My SO happens to look down in a cup of water by our bed on the floor to find my galaxy s7 2/3 of the way submerged in a cup of watered down mountain dew. Now my phone has quite a few crack around the frame as well as I very fine crack that runs down the screen and my back is cracked a good one. I thought for sure my phone was done. NOPE!!!! Been running like a champ like it never even happened! All my phone did was take a bath lol just had to share because my mind was absolutely blown. I had an HTC that my son threw in the toilet and it barely got wet and it killed my phone. Just wanted the rest of you Galaxy S7/S7edge users to know our phones are definitely waterproof lol sorry just had to share haha