my drama queen! emergency c section

Paislee Delila was born on 12/17 via emergency c section. I went in on Friday for a induction due to high blood pressure, the medicine jumpnstatted contractions right away but my cervix was not thinning or dilating. I took my first dosage or citotech (sp?) at 10:30, and had two more dosages. Baby's heartbeat was dropping with each contraction so they had me sit in a million different positions. At 10am the next day I was still only dilated to a 1, but they were able to break my water. Instantly started hard contractions, they were reading 8 and 9 on the monitor and it was two hours before I could get the epidural. After the epidural went in I labored for about 30 min, but little misses heartrate kept dropping way too low. They checked me and I was at a 9, but still had a thick cervix, they were going to vacuum her out but there wasn't time, all of a sudden I was wheeled in for a c section, she was born at 2:36pm and weighed 7.1lbs 21inches long. She gave a scare but she is now perfectly healthy! We will be headed home soon!