Stay at home mom rant. Sorry in advance.

I'm tired of people treating stay at home moms like they are living a luxury life. Sure it's nice, we get to stay home with our children. But how about those who gave up working for being a sahm? What if they prefer working? I'm tired of my husband coming home and telling me how hard his day was. Oh eight hours of work verses my 24/7 job? I'm tired of being told the house isn't clean enough. I'm tired of being told I have the good life. I'm tired of busting my ass keeping my daughter happy all day and maintaining a 4.0 GPA in school (college). I'm tired of cooking every night. I'm tired of being expected to be happy all of the time. Im tired of hiding away for a few minutes a day to cry my eyes out so im not yelled at for being unappreciative. I'm tired of being unappreciated and having no income rubbed in my face every day. I'm sick of feeling like a little person because I do what is best for our family. I've come to terms with nothing I do will ever be enough and I'm a piece of shit to everyone. I'll always be belittled (until I get a job) and I have to just take it with a smile on my face. Any other sahm treated this way? Please tell me I'm not alone in feeling overwhelmed and unappreciated. I'm sorry for the rant but I needed it sooooo bad.

Just an update to comments: the only reason I did not have a job is due to my husbands wishes of not leaving our daughter with a "stranger". However, I won't have it tossed back in my face by him so I'll probably get a job and hire a nanny.