I need advice for talking to a friend

My best friend has been through a lot of crap with guys. And I hate to say it, since I'm her best (and only close) friend, but these guys leave after a short time because she is crazy. She's beyond clingy, has severe clinical depression and anxiety, and is very difficult to be around sometimes because of this. Her boyfriend of 10 months dumped her 2 years ago and she still stalks him and cries every day about it. And just recently, her friends with benefits (who treated her horribly) told her she was annoying and didn't want to hang out anymore because she calls him 5 times a day wanting to hang out. She stalked him and his roommates and had the cops called on her. She called me crying and nearly suicidal because another guy left her. This is a constant pattern that rises every time a new guy comes into her life. 
She just asked me "am I psychotic?" And I don't know what to say because she actually is. It's hard to be honest with her because she's so fragile and won't accept the truth. I can't let this keep happening because it's SO unhealthy and toxic to her life. What can I say? I'm really lost here.