Friend help

Cold Moon
So I've been friends with this girl for about a year and a half. She has a bf and so do I! Over the winter and spring last year all four of us hung out quite often. She and I had a fight over the summer, fast forward, we made up like three months ago. All of us had wanted to move to Colorado together and we've talked about it several times. She just called me and told me she has moved and although it wasn't CO, she was happy. So anyway, we're texting about her move and yada, yada. I innocently ask if her bf (who moved back home for a few weeks) was to move to her new place. She sends back a long message saying i need to make a pact to not talk about him because she says it will help our friendship immensely if I never ask about him again!! She says she doesn't want to distance herself from me because I asked about her dude and it hurts her feelings when (specifically) I ask. .....Uh, what? Meanwhile, in the same breath she's asking me about my bf and our relationship?!?! I told her it was none of my business and so sorry to have hurt her feelings but I didn't understand what had hurt her. She ignored my question for clarity. She's told me before she goes psycho crazy on girls she thinks like her bf. But we've all been friends for close to two years and now it's suddenly a problem? She has a lot of drama and I just don't know if I should back away or continue to try to make it work with her. I talk about my relationship with all of my other friends. It's just like after this long you can't answer a simple question without a long dramatic text snapping at me. It was one question and she made me feel like I had done something horribly wrong. Idk, it just took me aback..I've never had a girl friend act like this towards me, is it worth it? I can't stand dramatic girls and idk if it will get better. Anyone else have weird friend stories?

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