should I call my doctor?

Shayna • Momma of two 💘💙 Ariel Rose 10/13/16 Baby boy due 6/17/18
I've been on my period now for 13 days and it doesn't show signs of stopping. I had a baby October 13th and had about 10 days of bleeding after I had her. I started taking birth control on November 27th and started my period December 6th. I didn't think much of it because I didn't have a period before I started taking birth control, so I thought this was just my body getting used to it. But now that I've been bleeding for almost 2 weeks I'm starting to get a little worried. It's mostly dark dark blood, almost black, and sometimes there is bright red blood mixed in. It's been pretty heavy for the whole 13 days, and I haven't had any cramps or bloating. I'm thinking about calling my midwife, if it were you what would you do?