Any pregnant ladies dreamed they were pregnant while TTC and it turned out being true?

Andrea • Got my first BFP at 14dpo (vvvfl 🔝) on cycle #2 for baby #1. Baby is due on October 6th 2017! ❤
Had a very lucid dream last night that I spoke to this lady who knows about the future. I asked her if I was pregnant then there was a test with strong blue lines... positive. I wasn't convinced and then another test with the pink die and suuuuper dark showed up in front of me, close to my face... again, 2 lines, positive! I didn't get all crazy happy. It was as if I was just confirming what I already knew in the dream. Anyone has had dreams that told them they were pregnant and it turned out being true? I never EVER dream about anything I want to happen in my life. Also during the day yesterday I had this very strong feeling that I didn't have to worry. I was going to be a mother and not to ever doubt. Then me and my fiancé (as I was telling him about this intuition of mine) turned back and looked at the sky and there was a super bright rainbow behind me and the most beautiful sunset. I started jumping and saying "rainbow baby". He didn't get it... and the rainbow completely disappeared. I know in my heart that it's coming. And I hope it's this cycle. AF due 12/26. I decided I will not test until after Christmas even though I have 2 first response tests sitting here in front of me. It will either be my period or a bfp but I will not stress over it. I will start practicing patience. Everything in it's time. No point in stressing over it.  Baby dust on all of us TTC. 👶❤