Anyone around 8/18 have an early U/S?

My original due date was 8/11 (if gone by my last period 11/4 and on a 28 day cycle), but I was tracking my ovulation, and according to glow I was on a 35 day cycle. On the 24th I had a positive LH surge (took 2 just to be sure) so as predicted by glow, I ovulated on the 25th. Well my doctor still ordered me an early US and had in my paperwork that I was 5 weeks and 6 days, when I was really 4 weeks and 6 days. Needless to say, they saw nothing. There was a black circle but she said she couldn't say if it was for certain a gestational sac. So then my doctor calls me to discuss the results, saying it was either too early, ectopic or I was Miscarrying ( No one wants to hear those last 2) Anyhow, she ordered me for bloodwork which I then had to wait all weekend for the results bc they closed for inclimate weather. Finally got them today when I went in for my 2nd test and Fridays were 2830... praying like I've never prayed before that those numbers have at least doubled in that 72 hour agonizing wait, but she did schedule me for another US IS this Friday, when I should be 6 weeks. Wishing on the stars!!!!! Just hoping to get through this holiday knowing that everything is going smoothly in there for my little baby <3