So proud of my fuzzy baby and son!

I'm so very proud of my boys! I found out today that my rescue German shepherd dog has come runner up in a national competition to find a pet hero! I am such a proud mummy! I can't say too much yet as its not been officially announced, but I had to tell someone!

Earlier this year my 11 year old German shepherd rescued my 12 year old son from drowning in an extremely large and deep pond when he accidentally fell in whilst playing with the dog on a walk. I managed to catch the entire event on film! He's my third rescue German shepherd and they are amazing family dogs. I'll always have one for the rest of my life. Its true though, the best breed of dog is definitely rescue though!!

Once the winners have been announced I'll post the full story if anyone is interested. I'm just such a proud mummy!

Here's the hero in his usual spot, snuggled in his cosy basket.... (PS. Excuse the mess.... the rabbits were out playing when I took the photo) x