Miscarrying at 12 weeks and Misoprostol didn't work

Just found out today that I am in the processes of miscarrying. I would have been 12 weeks tomorrow with our first. I started bleeding and cramping yesterday. The midwife said the ultrasound today showed the baby stopped growing at about 7 and half weeks. I had no idea. I still had breast tenderness and little nausea in the the mornings. We had little onies all wrapped and ready for our parents to open on Christmas announcing the pregnancy to our family. It was hard to take those and put them away. I think the hardest part is the waiting for the miscarry to fully pass. I know  I could always do a D&C but I'd like to use that as a last resort. Please send positive thoughts our way through this tough holiday season. Thank you for reading my story and comments or suggestions are appreciated.
I talked with my midwife today and with the holidays season and the bad weather we have had in our area she said if I were to do a D&C it wouldn't be untill next week. She prescribed me Misoprostol to take to speed things up and hopefully pass everything tonight to physically feel better before Christmas this weekend. Emotionally this is be best. I don't want to worry about being with family while everything finally passes it will be very uncomfortable. 
I took the Misoprostol at 6pm along with pain meds bc the doctor adviced me to even thought I didn't want to. I was glad I did bc if the cramping/labor pains were that strong with the pain meds I don't want to know what they would have been with out the meds. I know someday I will know how it feels but right now to have those pains and not end up with a baby is cruel. Well anyways I inserted 800 mcg (4 tabs) vaginally then 4 hrs later I still only had the cramping and a little bleeding so I called the midwife and she said with the cramping sounds like cervix is opening insert 4 more tabs and take more pain meds and you should pass everything shortly after that. Well it's now 3 am and again I had severe cramping and a little blood. Did not pass anything. It doesn't look like I'm going to get this passed and behind me before Christmas like I wanted to. With the luck I'm having it'll probably happen on Christmas at one of our families houses and that would be terrible! I can tell this is also playing a toll on my husband. He's trying to stay strong but the loss is hard and seeing me in pain isn't helping either.
Thank you for listening to all my ranting and for all your support and sharing your experiences with me. It has really helped me with coping.