Lack of sleep & BBT.. what's your view?

Hey Ladies!
Have any of you experienced elevated BBT in the first half of your cycle followed by lowered BBT in the second?
This is only my 2nd month tracking BBT but last month looked like your average BBT chart with clear temp shift post O.
I found this bit of info & wondered if anyone else had experienced the same thing regarding odd BBT & lack of sleep?
I've had peak OPK readings & EWCM at the exact same time so things on that front seem pretty spot on.
I must admit, BBT readings haven't been at the exact same time each morning, but I'd say within half an hour or so. Also I did miss probably the most important 2 days of BBT.. the 2 mornings following my peak OPK 🙄.
Any info is greatly appreciated!
Much love 💕