
A few months ago it came to light after a series of life threatening seizures that my husband was dependant on his prescribed pain relief medication. An opiate type drug.

I was disappointed in him, it wasn't something I thought he'd do and he was actively going out his way to hide it from me, so the next seizure he had I outed him to the medics and even called his doctor. My husband wasn't pleased to say the least but understood I did it to safeguard him so I now control these drugs, I administer them as they are prescribed since I took on this responsibility he's had no further seizures.

He has since however taken more of other prescription medication which I've caught on to very quickly and we've had it out, guns blazing mainly because he lies to my face long after I've proof.

I know he takes it because his pain is bad, the meds don't work and his doctors aren't helping instead they want him off the meds completely!

He has made steps to speak with addictions teams who didn't help and as a psychologist appointment after new year. However last night I was looking for my own pain relief which my doc had prescribed for rib and hip pain thanks to carrying a big baby due in two weeks. I couldn't find them, I asked him he said he hadn't seen or touched them so I went through every drawer and cupboard in search to no avail. After an hour of him denying any knowledge of my meds he eventually broke down in,tears, he'd taken them! He didn't think I'd miss them as I am anti med esp when pregnant. We both cried and for me its hurt and disappointment, why didn't he just ask if he could have some? Why lie? Why watch me search knowing I'd never find them.

He said he's sorry, he's embarrassed and knows he needs help and is hoping the psychologist can help. He is scared to lose me and our son, that I'll walk away from our marriage.

He knows I don't trust him now, he knows I have every right to leave to make our son my priority as it's going to be hard with a,new baby and watching over his shoulder too.

Aside from this we're great, we're besotted with each other he's sweet and caring and has been amazing support throughout my pregnancy. I waited 16years to have this man back in my life he was my childhood sweetheart.

What am I supposed to do? Do I stay and help him more? Do I walk and let him hit rock bottom or potentially put his life at risk? I can't talk to any one about it because they wouldn't understand. What would you do?

I have no doubt he will be a great dad and I have no fear of him putting our baby at risk of that I'd bet my own life on. I just want a normal happy family.