Hoping & praying for a christmas present


Hi Ladies,

I decided this month I wasnt going to track anything. I was becoming too obsessed and compulsive over the past 8 months while ttc. Anywho, my cycles are usually about 25/26 days. Today is cycle day 25...and I have no idea when i ovulated. I normally have some breast tenderness and a little nausea off and on as normal PMS symptoms. But 2 days ago, I had a beer and was so sick about an hour later that I felt like I was on the verge of throwing up for the rest of the night. Yesterday, i noticed breast tenderness, but different than what I'm used to....they seem, harder? Stiff? And I can barely stand to have a bra on for long. I'm trying to hold out taking an hpt, because I dont want to be disappointed. Anyone have any similar stories and got a bfp?