I'm absolutely going to lose my shit really soon 😞

I'm pretty sure I'm getting my period. I'm on cd 27 and I get my period between cd 26-29. I wiped and got blood mixed with a lot of discharge. Sorry, tmi. I just had such high hopes of not getting it. I'm so disappointed 😔. It's my second month on Letrozole ttc for almost three years. I feel like I'm never going to be a mommy and it kills me. I feel so bad for my husband. I just can't do this anymore. I was so hopeful this was going to be my month. I hope I'm just being emotional and I end up being wrong but I just don't know what to think anymore. I've really had no symptoms this month. I've had some cramps since ovulation but no breast tenderness, just some shooting pain and on and off nausea. Yesterday I took a test but it was negative. That's it. So I really thought I wasn't going to get it...ugh sorry. I'm just ranting. I don't know who to go to anymore.Â