just need to talk to someone

Hi, ladies!
I really don't know what's wrong with me. I feel so sad and just want to be alone away from people. It's so hard to talk with people when you thought they were for you but along they were just giving you fake love. I'm super excited about my little one that will be here soon. I just don't like feeling sad and like I'm depressed or something. Some days I feel pregnant and some days I don't. My Bf acts like a big kid, I basically been taking care of him because he doesn't understand the difference of your "Wants and Needs" so he will go out in blow his money on unnecessary stuff and then I'm the one that have to pick up his bills and plus I have bills of my own and I'm trying to buy stuff for the baby as well so I want have to buy it all at once. My mom continues to try and stress me out about her problems and stuff and I have always felt that she loved me less and she always have something bad to say when I'm trying my best. I know I'm jumping around about stuff that's going on I'm just trying to get it out. My bf gets mad about when i tell him no because he thinks I suppose to buy him stuff all the time while he blows his paycheck. So of course we just got into this argument. I'm so tired of this mess and stuff with my family and him trying to stress me out and make me feel less of a person. I just go somewhere alone in cry my eyes out. I'm so emotional so that makes me cry even more. I cry about anything. I don't know what more to do. Remind you I have no one to talk to about this stuff. I just hold it in because I don't want to start no argument with no one! Thank you for letting me get that off my chest!